
Role Play – The Wise Old Woman – 7th I1 and I2

9 setembro de 2013

Role-play is an important training tool that carries immense amount of effective learning. This learning is retained and recalled better through the role-play experience. So in order to make the students live this experience and to develop their speaking skills the 7th grades I1 and I2 (advanced group) got engaged in a role play based on the story read in class – The Wise Old Woman. It’s a story about an old Japanese tradition in which an old woman proves her value by showing her wisdom.

First they read the story in class and discussed the importance of the elderly. After that they got into groups to rewrite the story, changing characters and the plot and giving life to a new story but keeping the same theme. Next, they started memorizing their lines. Finally, they presented the play in the auditorium. The students did their best to represent this beautiful tale.




Teachers: Sandra de Figueiredo and  Síndia Torres


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